Understanding British values

Students are taught about the function and importance of democracy through the PSHCE and history curricula. In history, this includes drawing attention to historical examples of countries that have rejected democracy and problems this has created. We have student representatives on the Bristol City Youth Council and students are taught about the voting process for these elections. 

Students are taught about individual liberty through PSHCE, including learning about fundamental rights and freedoms, as well as protected characteristics. The history and REP curricula also draw attention to the historical struggle for individual liberty.

Students are taught about the rule of law through PSHCE, with a particular emphasis on age-critical laws around consent, sharing of personal images and information, criminal responsibility, types of abuse and FGM. Our responses to contextual safeguarding concerns involve working closely with local Police teams to educate our students about the law.

Students are taught about the importance of mutual respect and tolerance through PSHCE, REP, History and English curricula, as well as through cultural celebration assemblies and culture days. All students sign our anti-bullying pledge at the start of their time at Trinity and the theme of being an ‘upstander’ is returned to regularly.