Pastoral Curriculum

Too often in schools, pastoral learning is the poor relation of academic disciplines. We believe that this is a mistake and fails to value the vital role played by pastoral learning in enabling students to realise success, both academically and personally. As a consequence, we invest a lot of care and thought into planning a rigorous and coherent pastoral curriculum across our three Phases of Learning. Our pastoral work is built around three principles:

  1. SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural)

  2. Health (Physical, Mental and Relationship and Sexual)

  3. Preparedness (Character, Careers Education, Transition between Phases)

Our approach here is built upon a culture of respect and we encourage open and honest dialogue with our parents and carers, to make sure that the pastoral curriculum delivers in its intent for all of our students. 

We also recognise that delivering pastoral learning doesn’t just take place in form time – it is all of our responsibility all of the time. This means that we consider other ways to teach the pastoral curriculum – from untaught (staff conduct, language, assemblies) and co-curricular opportunities, to subject lessons and termly ‘drop-down’ days (such as for careers and ICT awareness). For these reasons, we expect all students to be engaged in pastoral learning in all aspects of school life and throughout their time with us.

You can click here to find out more about the themes covered in our PSHCE curriculum.