Help and advice for students 

We know that growing up can be difficult and whilst it is normal to experience mood swings and times when you feel low, there may be occasions when you need more support. There are always people ready to listen and help you at school, please speak to your tutor or a member of the pastoral team if you would like to speak to someone about getting support.

If you would like to do some of your own research then below are some great websites which offer great advice and anonymous support.

You should always speak to someone you trust if you or a friend are experiencing or facing any of these issues. We are always here to help at school and will always listen in a non-judgemental way. Our aim is to help you to find a way to improve your mental health and wellbeing and to find the help you need. 

We know that unkindness and bullying take place sometimes in school. We are a school that does not tolerate bullying or unkindness and would encourage you to report anything you see which is unkind. If you have any questions or concerns about you or a friend that are linked to your safety and wellbeing please speak to your tutor or a member of the safeguarding team: Ms Britton, Mr Leitch, Ms Davies, Ms Youhill, Ms Garrad, Mr McKenzie

There are 3 ways you can report bullying: Speak to a teacher, report it online through Firefly or the tab below or write it on a slip and post it in the box outside the library. We will then come and speak to you and find out how we can help.

If you have any questions about your health you can speak to our school nurse who is in each Monday and you can drop in and speak with them. 

If you are interested in doing some of your own research here are some websites which may help: 

Wellbeing and Mental health support: 

Give us a Shout

An anonymous counselling service which young people can text for free and get support and help from specialist counsellors 24hours a day.

Text Shout to 85258 or



An anonymous 24hour free helpline who will listen and support you.

Call: 116 123 or


Young Minds

Free, confidential online and telephone support, including information and advice

Below are some really useful sections of their website: 

Looking after yourself - Information about simple changes you can make to help with your mental health.

Feelings and symptoms - helps you to make sense of how you are feeling and where you can get support.

Find help - where to find help if you or a friend are struggling with mental health issues.

Kooth  - Qualified counsellors are online seven days a week to provide young people using the service with online counselling, through chat-based messaging via drop-in or booked sessions



Talk To Frank

Offers up to date advice and information about drugs, providing access to live chat, email and telephone support, as well as leaflets, FAQs and links to other sites.


Eating Disorders

Beat - Lots of information and resources about eating disorders to help you.


Self Harm 

If you have self harmed you should always tell someone either in school or at home you trust and they will help you. Calm Harm is an app that can help you to  manage your anxiety. It’s an  NHS accredited APP which helps you to manage and control urges which can lead to self harm.


Bereavement or grief support 

Hope Again is a  website where you can learn from other young people, how to cope with grief, and feel less alone.


Domestic Abuse

The Hideout, this is a website that will help you to understand domestic abuse, and how to take positive action if it's happening to you. PLease speak to someone if either you or a friend are experiencing this. 


Parents separating

CafCass helps you to understand what is taking place and how to manage these feelings during this tricky time. 


Concerns about gangs and unhealthy friendships 

Childlline offer guidance on what a gang is and what to do if you're being pressured to join a gang. This website also offer support 


Sexual Health advice and support

Brook Centres offer drop in sessions or appointments to all ages on anything to do with sexual relationships and sexual health. Freephone 0808 802 1234 802 1234. Young People's Sexual Health Website can help you with any queries about your sexual health